الأربعاء، 9 يونيو 2010

What is it?

Its skin is grey, its tail is short, its head is
big and its an animal.

 It's an African animal, its tail is short, its neck
is long and its legs are long, too. 

 Their faces are white, their hands may be
black, white, silver or gold.They are round
or square.and can be worn on the wrist.

 They've got four legs and a back, their
legs can be short or long 
but they are not animals.

3 التعليقات:

Kura ChaniaGo يقول...

1st.. a rabbit?! <<think ot ;p

2nd.. Gerraf?

3rd.. a wrist watch!!!! <<we had that on the exam today xD

4th.. chairs.. ^^

Taraji t-fofo يقول...

1st one is an elephant
2nd one is a giraffe
3rd one is a wrist watch
4th one is a table


T. Naima يقول...

Dear students,
Thank you for your great and valuable participation.You are my
presious golden stars,thus you deserve the biggest Golden Star ever.ButKura, you missed the 1st oneand Taraji you
missed the 4th.