الأربعاء، 2 يونيو 2010

<< Time for a Riddle>>

# Two fathers and two sons

leave a village, and this reduces

the population by three.!

How is this possible?

3 التعليقات:

Taraji t-fofo يقول...

their is one father who had a son and his son has a son so there are two father's and two sons


MaRoOo Alawi يقول...

hi T.N .. my answer is the same as Taraji their are a grandfather & the grandfather has a son who is also a father because he has a son..so that means their are two fathers (the grandfather & the father) & two sons (the father & the son)..kinda complicated isn't it :P

T. Naima يقول...

That is correct but
(it is there not their)
Taraji you were the first to do
the riddle congratulation.